
The Key to Increasing Sales on Amazon

The Key to Increasing Sales on Amazon

The goal of establishing your own Amazon store is to make money. Increasing sales and retaining satisfied customers are crucial for any Amazon seller looking to grow their business and generate more revenue. If you’re struggling to boost your Amazon sales, it may be due to not utilizing an Amazon product analytics tool for your listing. Understanding how to boost sales on Amazon is essential in this competitive marketplace.

Amazon product analytics tool

An Amazon product analytics tool, also known as an Amazon product tracker or Amazon product search tool, is vital for sellers. This software provides sellers with insights into how customers interact with their products, helping to increase sales on Amazon. By analyzing customer engagement with digital products, these tools offer valuable data for informed decision-making.

Benefits of Amazon product analytics tool

Using an Amazon product analytics tool can significantly help in your quest for an Amazon sales boost. It allows sellers to make data-driven decisions, focusing on product performance and customer engagement. This confidential data, drawn from existing customers, aids in making more informed decisions, which is crucial for how to boost sales on Amazon.

Amazon selling tools

There are numerous Amazon selling tools available, but choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Amzpecty, for instance, offers a 15-day free trial without needing a credit card. This trial lets you test its features and decide if it’s the right fit for your business needs.

What is Amzpecty? 

Amzpecty is a desktop browser extension designed to give Amazon sellers a competitive edge. It provides critical data with just a click on the Amzpecty Browser Extension icon. Amzpecty enables sellers to:

  • Inspect quantities of offers on Amazon-listed products.
  • Write product notes on the Seller Central Manage Inventory page.
  • Track product sellers, quantities, prices, estimated sold quantities, and take Daily Product Data Snapshots.
  • Calculate estimated profits through the FBA Calculator.
  • Search Amazon product variants in one click.
  • Download various reports like Raw Data, Estimated Quantity Sold, Price Trend, and Sales Trend on tracked products.

Amzpecty also offers a Daily Product Snapshot feature, monitoring sales trends for up to 60 days. This tool is free for the first 15 days and provides downloadable data for later analysis.


    An Amazon product analytics tool is key to addressing the challenge of sales decline on Amazon. These tools aid sellers in making better business decisions, leveraging confidential data from existing customers, and improving their Amazon listings. The Amzpecty Solutions Suite’s Amzpecty Browser Extension, free for the first 15 days, can assist sellers in obtaining historical data and driving business success, contributing to an Amazon sales boost.